TC4S:\V\Van Tharp (\Van Tharp - Forex Trading Systems - The Busted Breakout System\Documents\1 Supportive Material\a Understanding the System

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NameSizeDate Modified
1.a.1 TradersMag.USA_12.2015_System.only.pdf7,835 KB5/2/2019 2:32 AM
1.a.2 TradersMag.USA_03.2015_Busted.only.pdf6,565 KB5/2/2019 2:33 AM
1.a.3 130415 Busted Breakouts in Forex.pdf4,995 KB5/2/2019 2:33 AM
1.a.4 140521 Yen Crossing Opportunities.pdf3,713 KB5/2/2019 2:34 AM
1.a.5 140731 Reading Psychological Footprints.pdf2,762 KB5/2/2019 2:34 AM
1.a.6 160629 Did Brexit Move the Pound.pdf1,979 KB5/2/2019 2:34 AM