PDC4S:\Coding\Web - App Development (All related Courses to Web and App Dev)\[Internshala] Web Development Course\PHP\PHP

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NameSizeDate Modified
T1- PHP Introduction1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T10- Basic Security1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T11- Validations with HTML5 or PHP1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T12- Assignment1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T2- Basics1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T3- Functions, Arrays, Strings1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T4- Loops1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T5- Database Connection1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T6- SELECT Query with PHP (Part I)1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T7- SELECT Query with PHP (Part II)1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T8- Form1/13/2022 11:32 AM
T9- Sessions1/13/2022 11:32 AM